Sunday, August 26, 2012

Darhius's I Am

I am determined 
I wonder if i'll ever accomplish my goals 
I hear the owls hotting 
I see goods things ahead 
I want to help the unwealthy 
I am determined  

I pretend that the world is a perfect place to live in 
I feel like the world is looking down to unwealthy people 
I touch.... 
I worry ... 
I am determined 

I understand that anyhting is possible 
I say....
I dream to become a Teacher in the future 
I try to get straight A's in my report card 
I am determined

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


A teacher fired from a Michigan middle school after encouraging students to raise money for the family of Florida teenager Trayvon Martin said Tuesday she is confused by the dismissal and wants the school’s administration to explain.
Brooke Harris was dismissed in March from Pontiac Academy for Excellence after she supported students’ efforts to plan a wear-a-hoodie-to-school day. Martin was wearing a hoodie Feb. 26 when he was shot to death by a neighborhood watch volunteer.
A number of groups, including the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Ala., have called for Harris to be reinstated.
“I’m really confused why I got fired,” Harris told The Associated Press. “I don’t think I did anything wrong.”
According to the SPLC, a national civil rights group, Harris’ eighth-grade journalism students asked her about the death of Martin, 17, who was unarmed when he was shot in Sanford, Fla. No charges have been filed.
Harris gave the students an editorial-writing assignment on the shooting. But the students wanted to raise money for Martin’s family and asked the school’s administrators if they could each pay $1 to wear hoodies instead of school uniforms for a day, the group said. It said the school regularly has fundraisers in which students are allowed to “dress down.”
The 26-year-old English teacher said she approached school administrators “through the chain of command” but that Superintendent Jacqueline Cassell said the project could not go forward. Harris said she was in the process of explaining this decision to the students when she was called for a meeting with Cassell.
The superintendent suspended Harris for encouraging the students and then fired her after she showed up at the school to drop off prizes for students when she had been told to stay away, the SPLC said.
“I didn’t tell the kids, ‘Let’s go and do it anyway.’” Harris said. “I was actually, literally, in the process of talking to my kids about what we could do instead when (Cassell) requested the meeting with me and told me that I needed to let it go.”by Associated Press

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

      Hello world my name is Darhius Sykes a young man born November 28, 1991 Thanksgiving day. In Atlanta, GA son of Donald and Erika Sykes. As a young boy my I quickly fell in love with school. I started earlier than most kids my parents felt that I was too bad to stay in the house another year, and they felt I was ready mentally. As a student at F.L Stanton I quickly picked up on the lessons being taught. Then I became interested in sports such as football and baseball I truly love these two sports.
      School seemed easy to me because I always tried my best on all assignments and plus I knew how to sweet talk the teachers. During my life I have done crazy things, I’ve made great accomplishments, and stayed strong even with the all the close family, that has gone to a better place. I feel by coming so far there’s no turning back.